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- Class diagram club management
About this class diagram for the club management
This is a UML class diagram. It shows the structure of a club management system. It depicts the relationships between administrators, clubs, events, members, and payments. Admin is the main class since an admin will be responsible for the both clubs and events management activities. Each admin has attributes such as admin ID, name, and password which enables them to add, approve, or delete club members and events.
The club class stores info on various clubs. It includes the club ID, name, and location. These clubs are run by admins and clubs hold events. The event class depicts an occasion, time of activities, event ID, name, date, and description. Events play a key role in the engagement of a member in a club and may host several members as illustrated in the member class.
Members are the pivot of the whole system carrying member ID, name, and email among other attributes. They attend parties hosted by the clubs and pay a certain fee for being a member or attending the event.
The payment class is responsible for these operations. The payment class includes information such as the amount paid, the date paid, and the status of the payment.
This UML class diagram for the club management system has shown the flow of activities. It starts with administrative control. Then it goes through managing clubs, organizing events, and lastly, members' involvement. The data flow between the classes is clear. It shows the need for a systematic approach to running a successful club.
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