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About this class diagram for the freelancing platform
The UML class diagram below shows the design of a freelancing platform. It shows the key entities and their relations. They manage freelance projects and user interactions. The UML diagram's main focus is the user class. It includes all people using the platform, both service seekers and providers. There are certain fields associated with every user which include the user ID, name, email, and role which categorizes them in the system.
The freelancer and client classes extend the user class, which is abstract. Each fulfills particular capabilities. For instance, freelancers have skills and portfolios. Clients are concerned with projects.
The project class is where a client’s task is captured through a project. A project consists of information such as project ID, name, description, and status. Freelancers can also submit proposals for such projects. The proposal class shows this. It has fields like proposal ID, proposal content, and budget proposed.
If a proposal is accepted, a new stage in the project comes in and finances are introduced. The payment class handles payments between the client and the freelancer. It ensures a proper flow of payment from one party to the other.
One more essential element is the review class which depicts the mechanism of the feedback system. Once projects are completed, users can rate and review them. This improves the platform's credibility. Reviews record both numerical values and text entries. They attach them to specific freelancers and clients.
This UML class diagram for a freelancing platform shows the design and user interactions in a freelance activity system. It shows the workflow for systems development and implementation. It covers the project from creation to payment.
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