About the class diagram example

The class diagram for online shopping illustrates the structure and interactions of entities within an e-commerce platform. Essential classes such as Customer, Product, Cart, and Order are represented with their attributes and methods. The Customer class includes attributes such as customerID, name, and address, with methods for browsing products, adding items to the Cart, and completing Orders. Product attributes include productID, name, price, and inventory, with methods for inventory management and product details retrieval.

Relationships depict how Customers interact with Products through the Cart and complete Orders. Associations detail dependencies and interactions between entities, ensuring seamless shopping experiences and efficient order fulfillment. Aggregation may illustrate how an Online Store entity aggregates multiple Products and manages Customer interactions through Accounts and Payment Gateways.

Inheritance could represent specialized Product categories or Customer types, enhancing personalization and marketing strategies. This visual representation facilitates system understanding and optimization, supporting agile development and continuous improvement of the online shopping platform.

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