About this cystic fibrosis pedigree chart

A cystic fibrosis pedigree chart traces the inheritance of this genetic disorder through the generations of a family. The symbols show which family members are affected, are carriers, or unaffected by the disease.

Circles represent females, while squares denote males. A fully shaded circle or square represents that the individual has cystic fibrosis, meaning that they have inherited two copies of the CF gene, one from each parent.

Half-shaded symbols represent carriers of the CF gene, meaning the person has one copy of the mutated gene but does not have the disease. Unshaded circles or squares show individuals who neither have cystic fibrosis nor carry the mutated gene.

Horizontal lines between a circle and square signify a partnership or marriage, while vertical lines dropping from this union represent their children. Children are placed horizontally, branching down for further generations.

In a genetic disorder like CF, both parents must be carriers (half-shaded) for their child to have a 25% chance of inheriting the disease. A diagonal slash through a symbol indicates that the individual is deceased.

This chart helps assess the likelihood of cystic fibrosis occurring in future generations and guide families in understanding their genetic risk.

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