About this class diagram for authentication

This class diagram gives an overview of the different classes present in the system and their interactions. It describes the attributes and functions these classes perform to complete the user authentication process. It shows the interaction of the following classes that will be discussed further.

The user class represents the system's users. It has characteristics such as user ID, username, password hash, email, and account status. It also contains methods for user activities such as register(), login(), logout(), and update password(). The user class marks its importance by interacting with other classes to undergo user authentication and authorization.

As the name suggests, the authentication provider class is responsible for providing authentication to the user using their credentials. It contains the required attributes for an authentication provider such as provider ID, provider name, and provider type along with functions like authenticate() and get user info().

The role and permission classes collectively handle user roles and permissions. The role class specifies several roles in the system. It contains attributes such as role ID, role name, and description. It performs the functions related to managing permissions (add permission(), remove permission(), and get permission()).

The permission class contains particular permissions and suggests that one role can have multiple permissions. It associates them with roles using methods such as assign to role() and revoke from role(). It contains the following information such as name, permission ID, and string.

The session class handles user sessions and has the following attributes session ID, user ID, start time, and end time, as well as methods like create session(), end session(), and check session validity(). This class is important when it comes to keeping a record of active sessions and users’ authentication in the system.

The password reset token class deals with the password reset feature. It has characteristics such as token ID, user ID, token string, expiration date, and methods for generating, validating, and using tokens. This class guarantees that users may safely reset their passwords as needed.

The audit log class maintains track of critical situations in the system. It defines characteristics like log ID, user ID, action, date, and details, as well as methods like creating and getting logs. This class is required for tracking user activity and ensuring the system's security and integrity.

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