About this class diagram for the e-wallet system

This class diagram for the e-wallet system shows the components that enable digital wallets. The super admin class means a senior admin. They can grant rights to other admins. This class has fields such as admin level and a function set admin privileges() that helps in changing admin rights.

The admin class is associated with super admin as it deals with user information and the system in general. There are attributes such as admin ID, privileges, and name for its identification and methods such as approve user() and block user(), for managing the users of the e-wallet system.

The user class is the center of the system since it has information concerning the users defined by user ID, name, email, and phone number. A user is able to join the system, and enter or leave it through methods of this class: register(), login(), and logout().

To every user, there is an e-wallet, which is managed by the user wallet class, which takes care of the user’s e-wallet balance. The wallet's aspects are balance, currency, and owner. Balance is the money in the wallet. Currency is the wallet's type of currency. The owner is the person who has the wallet. Likewise, methods such as check balance(), add funds(), and withdraw funds() serve to operate the wallet.

The transaction class is linked to e-wallet. It handles system events, including adding and withdrawing funds. A transaction has its own details. They are transaction ID, amount, date, and status. The class has two main methods: view transaction() and process transaction(). The first lets a user see past transactions. The second carries out a transaction.

At the heart of these features is the payment method class. It defines how users can fund their wallets. It has attributes: method ID, type, and details. The methods add, remove, and verify method() are used to manage the payment options.

The notification class is part of the system and its purpose is to give messages to users about their transactions or their account status. Each of the notifications has an identification number notification ID, a message, and a date. The system provides abilities such as send notification() and view notification() that help with notifications.

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