Understanding ISO IEC 27005 Risk Management Framework

Effective risk management is crucial in safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring the security of digital assets. ISO IEC 27005, a globally recognized standard, provides a comprehensive framework for assessing and managing information security risks.


In today's increasingly interconnected world, information security risks continue to evolve rapidly presenting complex challenges for organizations. Implementing a systematic approach based on internationally recognized standards has become critical for managing these risks effectively.

ISO/IEC 27005 is a comprehensive standard that guides to establishment of an end-to-end framework for information security risk management (ISRM). This article discusses the key aspects of ISO/IEC 27005 and strategies to leverage it for building robust ISRM capabilities.

In this article
  1. Overview of ISO IEC 27005 Framework
  2. Key Strategies for Leveraging ISO/IEC 27005
  3. Major Difference Between ISO IEC 27005 2018 VS ISO 27005 2022
  4. Using EdrawMax for ISO IEC 27005 Diagramming

Part 1: Overview of ISO IEC 27005 Framework

iso iec 27005 risk management benefits

ISO/IEC 27005 outlines a holistic approach for ISRM based on principles that align with ISO 31000. First published in 2008, it was revised in 2011 and recently in 2022 to provide updated guidance. The standard covers the entire process from defining the context to risk assessment, treatment, acceptance, communication, monitoring, and continual improvement.

Some core elements of the ISO/IEC 27005 framework include:

  • Establishing the internal and external context by defining risk management scope, objectives, and stakeholders.
  • Risk identification is based on the analysis of threats and vulnerabilities to key information assets.
  • Risk analysis and estimation by considering factors like likelihood, consequences, and levels of risk.
  • Risk evaluation against established criteria to prioritize the highest risks.
  • Risk treatment by selecting appropriate options like mitigation, acceptance, avoidance, or sharing.
  • Defining an ISRM action plan detailing control enhancements.
  • Continuous communication, consultation, monitoring, and review for improving ISRM.

Part 2: Key Strategies for Leveraging ISO/IEC 27005

Organizations can consider the following strategies to effectively leverage ISO/IEC 27005 for managing information security risks:

  • Integrate ISRM into information security policies, guidelines, and processes to ensure it is ingrained across the security program.
  • Establish cross-functional teams involving leadership, IT, security experts, business unit representatives, and risk professionals for a collaborative approach.
  • Clearly define ISRM roles and responsibilities aligned to the three lines models covering business lines, security function, and independent assurance.
  • Allocate adequate resources in terms of budget, tools, personnel, and training to build ISRM capabilities.
  • Start with a limited scope for initial implementation focused on the most critical information assets and technical vulnerabilities.
  • Customize the ISO 27005 methodology based on industry context, regulatory landscape, and organization’s risk maturity.
  • Leverage ISRM taxonomy, and rating criteria provided in ISO 27005 for risk identification and evaluation.
  • Develop risk reporting dashboards and metrics to keep senior management apprised of information risk exposures.
  • Conduct awareness and training programs to build a risk-aware culture across the organizational workforce.

Part 3: Major Difference Between ISO IEC 27005 2018 VS ISO 27005 2022

The 2022 version includes some key enhancements compared to the 2018 version:

  1. Greater emphasis on integrating ISRM into organizational processes.
  2. Additional guidance on risk communication and consultation.
  3. More clarity on risk evaluation criteria and risk treatment strategies.
  4. New concepts like risk owners to enable accountability.
  5. Alignment with the latest ISO 31000 risk management principles.
  6. Updates to terminology for better consistency.

Part 4: Using EdrawMax for ISO IEC 27005 Diagramming

Diagrams provide an effective technique to communicate ISO/IEC 27005 methodology and framework to stakeholders across the organization. Edrawmax is a versatile diagramming and visualization software that can help create professional ISRM diagrams aligned to the standard.

Some key features that make EdrawMax useful are:

  • Specialized templates for ISRM including risk matrix, flowcharts, process maps, and more. This enables a quick start.
  • Extensive libraries of shapes, icons, symbols, and visuals to represent ISRM elements.
  • Drag and drop interface, making it easy to quickly build diagrams by just selecting and positioning elements.
  • The ability to easily link elements shows relationships, flows, and connections.
  • Powerful styling and customization of shapes, lines, fonts, and colors to match branding.
  • Different export formats including PDF, JPG, PNG, and HTML allow easy sharing and integration.

The major steps to create an ISO risk management diagram in EdrawMax are:

Step 1:

Launch the EdrawMax application on your computer. From the EdrawMax dashboard, click on "Templates" on the left sidebar. In the search bar, type "Risk Management" or browse through the available templates until you find a suitable one.

edrawmax template gallery

Step 2:

Once the template opens, you can start customizing it to fit your specific risk management scenario. This may include adding, modifying, or removing elements such as boxes, text, shapes, and arrows.

risk management diagram

Step 3:

Populate the diagram with specific risks and controls relevant to your project or organization.

add connectors

Step 4:

Customize the colors, fonts, and styles to make the diagram visually appealing and easy to understand.

format styles

Step 5:

Click on the "File" menu and select "Save" to save your work. Choose a location on your computer to store the file.

export and save

By following these steps, you should be able to create a risk management diagram using EdrawMax Templates. Remember to save your work periodically to avoid losing any progress.


ISO/IEC 27005 provides a comprehensive framework for managing information security risks which is globally recognized. Organizations can achieve significant benefits by leveraging the standard in alignment with their strategic priorities and risk culture. A systematic yet pragmatic approach focused on people, processes, and technology is key for successful implementation.

Diagramming tools like EdrawMax enable better communication of ISRM programs to internal and external stakeholders. With growing cyber threats, ISO/IEC 27005 serves as an enabler for organizations to take a proactive and resilient stance on information security risk management.

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Zac Jenkins
Zac Jenkins Oct 17, 24
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