What Is UML Profile Diagram and How to Make One

Demystifying the UML profile diagrams for customizing modeling languages in a simpler way.

uml profile diagram tutorial

UML diagrams are an effective way of displaying systems and software. To understand the designs, code architecture, and proposed implementation of complex software systems, software engineers use UML diagrams. Thus, UML is a widely used industry standard. It uses graphical notation to reflect systems made in computer languages.

Profile Diagrams are one of the special diagrams of UML that extend the UML meta-model. They make it possible to define stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints, which gives a chance to adjust UML to specific domains and applications. This solves the problem of expensive value transformation. It also improves the use of UML as a modeling language.

In this article
  1. What Is a Profile Diagram in UML?
  2. Basic Concepts of Profile Diagrams
  3. The Symbols of Profile Diagrams?
  4. Use Cases of Profile Diagrams
  5. How to Draw a UML Profile Diagram
  6. UML Profile Diagram Examples
  7. Conclusion

Part I. What Is a Profile Diagram in UML?

The profile diagram is, however, an extensibility mechanism that enables the strengthening of UML by adding more constructs, properties, and semantics to the language to optimize the language for a particular application.

A profile is a package of sorts, it behaves similarly to a package and is described in the same way. In this case, the keyword profile is used above or before the name of the package to specify that it is a profile.

Profile Diagrams incorporate stereotypes, tagged value, and constraints on the UML elements to deliver extra context for significant areas. The custom labels are pre-designated tags tagged values are extra attributes and constraints are the rules of the game.

The concept of Profile is a set of these extensions that tailor UML for domain-specific or platform-specific maps like J2EE or .NET. Different profiles can be linked and unlinked with a particular model, meaning the program can support more than one profile on the same model.

But one must note that profiles only extend existing meta-models and do not change or build new ones. This customization contributes to the improvement of model understandability, applicability, and relevant stakeholders’ information processing.

Part II. Basic Concepts of Profile Diagrams

Profile Diagrams in UML introduce three main elements: Stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints are easily implemented and fulfill the security objectives in the system efficiently. Profile Diagrams facilitate users to create variants of UML that better fit projects based on the inclusion of stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints.

1. Stereotypes

Stereotypes make it possible to expand the current vocabulary of UML. You can add, and create new model elements, inherited from the above-mentioned ones but containing properties, which can be relevant to a particular problem domain.

Stereotypes are utilized to add new pieces that use the language of your domain and seem rudimentary. It enables inserting new graphical symbols.

stereotype example 1

2. Tagged Values

Stated values are used to enrich the properties of UML so that you can assemble deeper information in the definition of a model element. It lets you set keyword value pairs of a model in which keywords are the attributes. Formatted tagged values are depicted as strings enclosed in brackets.

tagged values

3. Constraints

They are the properties for defining the semantics or stating the conditions that have to remain invariant. It helps you to add new protocols to a specific UML building block in such a way that you can expand the semantics of the UML.

It can be presented graphically constraint is displayed as a string in brackets near its associated element.


Part III. The Symbols of Profile Diagrams?

Following are the necessary symbols used to create profile diagrams.


In the UML, to represent the specific qualities for utilizing a metaclass, there are options for instantiation through stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints. This fitting ensures the UML model aligns with certain domain or platform needs or even preferences.



Metaclass is a base UML element that can be customized by adding stereotypes, metaclass is a kind of UML element that forms the pattern to be extended.



Stereotypes refine the given set of stereotypical UML elements by making semantical expansions to them. For this specific stereotype, they must always be associated with the metaclass that it extends and it can never stand alone or be extended by another stereotype.

stereotype example 2

Tagged Values:

It is a kind of meta-information that is related to the specifications of a model element and cannot be described in a normal UML tag. In the form of name-value pairs enclosed in brackets, they augment UML elements with more details, for instance by defining a class’s version or its author.

tagged values example 2


A constraint refers to a condition or variable that must not be altered in a system or process. They make sure that the model conforms to specific characteristics and as a rule, are marked with a note.

constraints example 2

Part IV. Use Cases of Profile Diagrams

Profile Diagrams allow users to customize UML to specific domains or platforms. This enhances the model's relevance and utility. Here are some use cases of Profile Diagrams:

1. Domain-Specific Modeling:

In the aerospace design field, profile diagrams can be utilized to establish stereotypes for different kinds of aircraft parts including engines or wings. It makes certain that the models stick to the industry-specific vocabulary and standards.

It offers domain-specific elements methodologies and a stable procedure for modeling them so that business logic enhancements can be easily communicated to other stakeholders.

2. Platform-Specific Customization:

Software platforms such as J2EE, .NET, and Profile Diagrams can declare stereotypes and Tagged Values peculiar to these environments like session beans within J2EE or web services within .NET.

It allows the developers to model the software architecture based on the concrete concepts as well as components of the broad platform, this can help in designing the software in a better way.

3. Model-Driven Development:

In MDA, the Profile Diagrams can specify how the artifacts of PIM can be transformed and mapped to PSM artifacts. It Supports code generation and transformation of models to reduce the time required to code and maintain computer code as well as increase compliance.

4. Product Line Engineering:

In the design of a product line of embedded systems, the profile diagram can specify which aspects of the products in the product line are similar, and which aspects may vary among the different products through the use of stereotypes and constraints.

An effective way of managing both the variation and repetition throughout a product family, increasing reuse and consequently decreasing costs.

Part V. How to Draw a UML Profile Diagram

Step 1

Choose the customization for a specific domain, like healthcare or aerospace. Understand the specifics of this context and the terms that are employed in this connection.

Step 2

Find the desired extensibility points in the UML metamodel. These are metaclasses, like classes or interfaces. These are the basic objects that you will evolve to meet the characteristics of a specific domain or platform.

Step 3

Define the extent of customization of stereotype metaclasses. For example, you could use the ‘MedicalDevice’ stereotype. It defines classes for medical equipment. Specify a set of tagged values. They include info about the maker of the model {manufacturer=ABC Corp}. Define the constraints for the extended elements.

Step 4

Define your profile. Add one or more metaclasses and include stereotypes, tags, and constraints. Use a tool like EdrawMax. Place these elements in a logical order to indicate their dependence and continuation.

Step 5

Use stereotypes in UML. Add tagged values and constraints. Ensure that words are chosen and placed within the same domain and also follow the rules that are set.

Step 6

Refer back to the Profile Diagram to ensure that it is correct and that every aspect of the ID is included. Check the model against the domain's requirements. Adjust it to fit any it violates.

Step 7

You can easily create these UML Profile Diagrams using EdrawMax. It has the needed features and templates. It also has drag-and-drop interface features.

Part VI. UML Profile Diagram Examples

1. DICOM UML Profile Diagram

This profile diagram depicts parts of a computer system. It stores pictures and information about patients. The boxes have names like “SCU” and “SOP Class”. They let the computer bits talk to each other. There is one box that says ‘DIMSE Service.’ It could be about transferring or processing medical images using this protocol, called DICOM.

The other small box, “Media Storage Service,” probably relates to storing and retrieving medical pictures. Overall, the picture's idea is related to the process a computer follows. It is about managing medical data, specifically, pictures.

2. Network System Profile Diagram

This UML profile defines a network system. It has users, workstations, and servers. They access or provide certain services. It separates the switches and routers used in a network. It classifies them under a broad class called ‘Network Node’. This class explains their MAC address, IP address, location, and type.


Profile diagrams serve as an extension of UML. It lets you warm up the modeling language for your project. You can use stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints. They let you define the vocabulary for a model. It also has extra information that is not in standard UML elements. It specifies the rules for drawing the model.

This customization lets you build more precise models. You can communicate them more easily to stakeholders. Thus, it improves the chances of software development.

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Zac Jenkins
Zac Jenkins Oct 17, 24
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