Embedded systems are computing devices used in a system to perform specific tasks. They are not tailored or can perform multiple tasks at the same time. Once they are configured to one program, they manage to do so in large systems. They are embedded in the host device, where they execute, manage, and check the functionalities of a specific task.
Let's learn about embedded systems including their functionalities, working principles, and block diagrams. We will also learn to draw block diagrams for embedded systems.
In this article
What is an Embedded System?
Embedded systems can control or manage a single task to make them more reliable and efficient. This makes the system work well. Both software and hardware of the embedded system are closely related and their tight coupling helps the systems get optimal performance.
Software used in the embedded system focuses on performing the tasks when a user functions it.
- For example, press the AC remote button to turn ON/OFF. The fewer the functions, the better the system will perform.
One of the most important things about embedded systems is real-time operations.
- For example, medical devices like digital blood pressure checkers give back output values when checking a patient's blood pressure.
Block Diagram of Embedded System
Whenever a block diagram is drawn, it gets easier to break down the complex system into a simple one. It helps you monitor each and every part of the system.
The block diagram of the embedded system is quite simple to draw. Let's take an example of the embedded system where easy results are generated through simple functions.
Here is the block diagram of the embedded system.

This block diagram tells the workings of a digital thermostat circuit.
- The keypad gives information to the processor.
- The processor stores the information in its memory and displays the thermostat level on the screen.
- It then sends feedback to the AC control system that helps the device to work.
- The processor cannot convert the digital number and give feedback to the system. So, the digital number is converted to analog to digital conversion (ADC).
- The software stores all the programs and settings to keep the temperature in control and give feedback to the system or processor.
How to Make an Embedded System Block Diagram?
A block diagram is mostly used to understand a system or model. It might be difficult to understand what's going on when we observe things physically as we don't know what parts of the system perform what tasks. So, a block diagram comes in handy before visiting the system manually. It gives you a brief idea of how the system works.
Do you want to draw a block diagram for an embedded system?
It is surely not difficult. All you need to do is to have basic skills to draw a block diagram. However, the work even gets easier when you have a specialized tool. EdrawMAx is that one tool that makes work easier.
EdrawMax offers more than 210 types of diagrams that you can make on it with ease. It offers templates and other tools that help you complete your diagram professionally. Now, let's check out how to make a block diagram for an embedded system.

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Step 1
Add blocks on the canvas and arrange them so that they make a good symmetry. Check the sizes of the blocks; they should not occupy the large canvas space.

Step 2
Label each block on the canvas and keep the font size equal so that the whole diagram doesn’t look odd to the viewer.

Step 3
Now, add the relationship among the blocks so that the flow of the diagram or the system is pretty clear.

Step 4
Add colors and background in the diagram to make it attractive. This will give an attractive touch to the audience.

So, that is it, and your block diagram for the embedded system is ready. It is simple to make and takes no more than 10 minutes. If you are a professional, it might be a little easier. If you don't want to draw everything by yourself, you could get help from a professional tool like EdrawMax.
So, embedded systems are really important and part of any electronic device you might see at your home. They are being used for specific purposes that make it more useful as it doesn't have to deal with different tasks at a time. Embedded systems for different models were discussed in this guide.
We have also discussed the complete method to draw block diagrams for embedded systems. Block diagrams are vital and help you with engagement and provide a learning curve to the newcomers.
So, if you need to draw such a block diagram, EdrawMax could be the best option as it has much to offer. It offers templates and tools to generate high-quality designs. Give it a try!