Mastering UML Use Case Diagram: A Step-by-Step Tutorial for System Design

Explore how to effectively use a UML use case diagram to map out system functionalities. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to improve system design and communication.

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Software developers capture every user's needs using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and its key tool, the UML use case diagram. These diagrams are vital in software and system development, showing user interactions and requirements. This helps in planning and ensures all stakeholders understand the system’s functionality.

In this article
  1. What is a Use Case Diagram?
  2. Purposes of Use Case Diagrams
  3. Use Case Diagram Relationships
  4. Use Case Diagram Components
  5. Use Case Diagram Symbols and Notations
  6. How to Draw a Use Case Diagram
  7. Use Case Diagram Examples
  8. Conclusion

What is a Use Case Diagram?

A use case diagram UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a tool that helps to visualize how users interact with a system. It shows different ways a user can use a system. This diagram includes actors and use cases.

  • Actors represent users or other systems that interact with the system. 
  • Use cases are the actions that actors perform.

These diagrams are helpful for both developers and stakeholders. They help to clarify the requirements of the system. They show what the system should do from the user's perspective. This makes it easier to design and build the system.

A use case diagram UML includes several components.

  • Actors are usually represented by stick figures.
  • Use cases are shown as ovals.
  • Lines connect actors to the use cases they interact with.

These connections show the relationships between actors and use cases.

Use case diagrams also help in identifying the scope of the system. They show the boundaries of what the system will do. This helps in setting clear expectations for the system's capabilities.

Finally, a use case diagram UML is a simple yet powerful tool. It helps in understanding and communicating how users will interact with a system. This ensures that the system meets user needs and expectations.

Purposes of Use Case Diagrams

A UML use case diagram serves many important purposes in system development. Following are some of the purposes of the UML use case diagram:

Specify the Context of a System

A UML use case diagram example helps specify the context of a system. It shows how users interact with the system. This helps in understanding the boundaries of the system. It also shows what is outside the system’s scope.

Capture the Requirements of a System

A UML use case diagram example captures the system's requirements. It shows all the ways users can interact with the system. This ensures that all user needs are considered.

Furthermore, it also helps in identifying missing requirements.

Validate a System’s Architecture

A use case diagram helps validate a system's architecture. They show how the system will meet user needs. This helps in checking if the system design is correct. It ensures that the architecture can support the required interactions.

Drive Implementation and Generate Test Cases

A use case diagram drives implementation. They provide a clear picture of what needs to be built. They also help in generating test cases. This ensures that all parts of the system are tested. It helps in creating a reliable system.

Developed by Analysts Together with Domain Experts

Analysts and domain experts develop use case diagrams together. This ensures that the diagrams are accurate. It also ensures that the system meets business needs. Collaboration helps in creating a system that works well for all users.

Use Case Diagram Relationships

UML use case diagrams often show relationships between different elements. These relationships help to define how various parts of the system interact with each other. There are three main types of relationships:


extends use case

The extended relationship adds optional behavior to a use case. It shows that one use case can extend the behavior of another. For example, in a banking system, the Deposit Funds use case might extend the Calculate Bonus use case if certain conditions are met, such as depositing over $10,000.


include use case

The included relationship shows that one use case uses the behavior of another. It is like a subroutine in programming.

For instance, both Withdraw Funds and Deposit Funds might include updated balances since updating the balance is a part of both actions. This helps to avoid redundancy by reusing common functionality across multiple use cases.


generalize use case

Generalization is used when one use case is a more specific version of another. It is similar to inheritance in object-oriented programming. For example, a Search use case in a library system might have more specific use cases. These specific use cases inherit the behavior of the general Search use case but add their own specific details.

Use Case Diagram Components

A UML use case diagram includes several key components that help illustrate the interactions within a system. Here are the main components:


actor use case diagram

Actors represent users or other systems that interact with the system being designed. They are shown as stick figures in the diagram. There are two types of actors: primary actors, who initiate interactions, and secondary actors, who assist in the interactions. For example, in a banking system, a Customer could be a primary actor, while a Bank Employee could be a secondary actor.

Use Case

case uml use case diagram

A use case describes a specific action or interaction between the actor and the system. Use cases are represented by ovals. Each use case should achieve a goal for the actor. For example, in the banking system, Open Accounts and Deposit Funds are use cases. They show the different ways users can interact with the system.


system use case diagram

The system is the boundary that defines what is inside and outside the scope of the system being modeled. It is represented by a rectangle that contains the use cases. Everything inside the rectangle is part of the system. The interactions between actors and use cases occur at the boundary. This helps to clearly define what the system will do.


note use case diagram uml

Notes are used to add extra information to the diagram. They can be connected to any part of the diagram to provide explanations or comments. Notes are represented by a rectangle with a folded corner. For example, a note might explain a specific business rule or condition that affects a use case.

Use Case Diagram Symbols and Notations

Understanding the symbols and notations in a UML use case diagram is crucial for creating clear and effective diagrams. Here are some symbols and notations:

Use Case

A use case is a specific action or interaction between an actor and the system. It is represented by an oval shape. Each use case should achieve a goal for the actor. They describe what the system should do from the user's perspective.


Actors represent the users or other systems that interact with the system. They are depicted as stick figures. Actors can be people, organizations, or external systems.


Associations show the relationships between actors and use cases. They are represented by solid lines connecting actors to use cases. These lines indicate that an actor participates in the use case.

System Boundary Boxes

The system boundary box defines the scope of the system. It is represented by a rectangle that encloses all the use cases. Everything inside the box is part of the system being modeled, while everything outside is not. This helps to clearly delineate what is included in the system and what is not.

How to Draw a Use Case Diagram

Creating a UML use case diagram involves a series of steps to accurately represent the system's interactions and functionalities.

1. Identify Actors

First, identify all the actors who will interact with the system. Actors can be users, external systems, or devices that interact with your system. Think about who or what will use the system.

2. Identify Use Cases

Next, identify the use cases. These are the actions that the actors will perform with the system. Each use case should represent a complete interaction between the actor and the system. Think about what the actors need to do with the system.

3. Define Relationships

After identifying the use cases, define the relationships between them. Use the include, extend, and generalization relationships to show how the use cases are connected. This helps to organize the use cases and shows how they interact with each other.

4. Draw the System Boundary

Draw a rectangle to represent the system boundary. This boundary defines what is inside the system and what is outside. Place all the use cases inside this boundary. The actors should be outside the boundary, connected to the use cases they interact with.

5. Review and Refine

Finally, review the diagram to make sure it accurately represents the system. Make any necessary changes to improve clarity. Ensure that all actors and use cases are correctly represented and that the relationships are clear. This step is important to ensure the diagram is useful and accurate.

Use Case Diagram Examples

Examining examples of UML use case diagrams can help you understand how to apply these concepts in real-world scenarios. Here are some examples:

1. ATM System

An ATM system use case diagram might include actors like Customers and Bank Servers. Use cases could include Withdraw Cash, Check Balance, and Deposit Funds. This diagram shows how customers interact with the ATM to perform various banking functions.

2. Online Shopping System

An online shopping system use case diagram might include actors like Shopper and Payment Gateway. Use cases could include Browse Products, Add to Cart, and Make Payment. This diagram illustrates how shoppers interact with the online store to purchase products.

3. Library Management System

A library management system use case diagram might include actors like Librarians and Members. Use cases could include Borrow Book, Return Book, and Catalog Search. This diagram shows how members and librarians interact with the library system to manage book borrowing and returns.


Creating and interpreting a UML use case diagram is an essential skill for software developers and system designers. These diagrams help to capture user requirements and show how users will interact with the system. By following the steps outlined in this guide and understanding the key components and relationships, you can create effective use case diagrams that contribute to successful system development. Remember to review and refine your diagrams to ensure they accurately represent the system's intended functionality.

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Zac Jenkins
Zac Jenkins Oct 17, 24
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